Yes, there are countless better authors...and, yes, I will never write the perfect story, but I have a story to tell. I want to tell that story. I know in the previous post I talked about stopping the endless reading of "How to Become an Author" books; however, if you relate to what I'm saying, you do need to read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I bought the audio book, and I have listened to it multiple times. Pressfield calls out resistance and gives creatives a pathway to overcome it.
- Just write - even if it's worthless junk.
- You don't need permission to tell your story.
- Decide how passionate you are about writing your story. Ask yourself, "What am I willing to give up to do this?"
- If you answered nothing, you probably don't need to be a writer.
- The story will NOT write itself. You must be present to win!
Now, get your rear in the chair and write.